12 June 2007

Am I the "Indie Kid"?

It's been brought to my attention that I might be the "indie kid" amongst my friends. My summer roommate David has a friend at Mizzou that we refer to as Indie Kid. He once called Sufjan Stevens too mainstream for his taste. I rest my case.

Regardless, it's been brought to my attention that I could be a watered-down version of this guy. Here's some attributes of myself and occurrences from my week that lead to this possible conclusion:

1. Thick, black, plastic frame glasses.
2. I wear trendy shoes from an independent shoe company.
3. I explained the workings of Broken Social Scene/Arts & Crafts to my mom.
4. I ordered green tea ice cream today.
5. I collect/listen to vinyl records.
6. Bushy, unkept beard.
7. I own a 3rd Generation iPod (that's right, pre-click wheel).
8. My homepage is Pitchfork.
9. This list ends at nine.

Have I lost touch with the real world or am I just the right amount of trendy?


Stu said...

James, I really don't know what to say here. You asking if you are the "Indie kid" is sort of like me asking people if I'm "kind of tall." Fair enough? Fair enough indeed.

Unknown said...

Better than being a scene kid.

Cal said...

What is the right amount of trendy?