13 June 2007

Band of the Week...or Longer

So, I know I was raving about The Frames the other day as my new band that I'm obsessed with. Well, they've already been dethroned. I know, this is friggin' ridiculous. However, I can't help it. I love music. I love falling for new bands. So, my new band is The National.

They're a 5-piece from Ohio, which is pretty cool. Ohio is sort of near & dear to my heart being that I lived 30 miles south of Cleveland (in Medina) from the age of 10 to the age of 14. It's pretty sweet to get into a band from Ohio...especially one that's not a crappy roots rock band (read: OAR).

Anyway, I got The National's newest release (as in a few weeks old) Boxer a couple of weeks ago. I really liked it. In fact, I think it's becoming one of my favorites albums of 2007--making a possible run at Writer's Block, Armchair Apocrypha, and (gasp!) Neon Bible. So, I wanted to hear some of the back catalog. While in Columbia, MO this week, I picked up a limited edition copy of their 2005 release Alligator. This pretty much cemented my love affair with the band.

The thing I love most about this band is the ability they have to produce musical understatement. Matt Beringer's low Cohen-esque vocals are what make this band. The vocals giving this dragging, apathetic feel to the music. I love it. Musically, the band mixes driving Joy Division influenced rock with chamber pop--layering strings and pianos behind their simple two guitar & bass lineup. The National have a good ability not to overstate the case on anything. The bass lines are great, the guitars are big, and the drums are solid; but nothing overtakes the song. There's no real point where I describe the song by any individual instrument's sound (with the exception of the piano on a few songs).

I give you my full recommendation on this band. I hold nothing back. I don't feel even the least bit unsure about giving them my backing. This is a band that you won't regret listening to for any reason.


erinelizabeth said...

have i ever told you that i really love your music review posts? well, i do. thanks for jumpstarting the rest of us into listening to good, new music instead of sticking to the rut of bands i know and love (not that they're bad). just think about all the awesome, new indie bands you'll get to hear in austin!!

Stu said...
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Stu said...

I don't have a degree in English or anything, but I believe the phrase, "There a 5-piece band from Ohio..." requires a "they're." I could be wrong.

James Miller said...

Grr. You are correct, my man.